EU & UK VAT & Duty - Introduction
Duty & VAT reclamation for your UK & EU customers solved
Service Description
Find out how The Bye Channel & arXanum our European partners can set up your UK & European duty and VAT services that reduces your costs, improves your customer services ad builds repeat business in the 500 billion dollar market. Our 30 minute FREE consultation with Luigi Pezutto head of arXanum and international expert on logistics services and the intricacies of EU & UK VAT & Duty requirements will help you to identify how you can turn this challenging area from a high cost overhead into an important customer solution that delivers an ROI and grows value. During the session we will cover: What is your primary issues with EU & UK market cross border tax and duty Confirm your current VAT & Duty model for EU & UK Help you understand how IOSS, OSS, Fiscal Management and/or a combination of these services can be used to reduce your costs and improve customer experience Explain how we can act on your customers behalf to manage duty reclamation in these markets Demonstrate the business case and ROI you can generate from implementing our services Agree any next steps Attendees: Luigi Pazutto - Head of arXanum EU & UK Stephen Schwalger - Director The Byte Channel
Contact Details
Sydney NSW, Australia